Jaceur Habits Series

Every­thing we reg­u­lar­ly cul­ti­vate grows and thrives like rose heads. Luck is noth­ing else than a habit, the habit of pos­i­tive think­ing. The Jaceur Habits Series is avail­able in 50cmx70cm and 70cmx100cm and 80cmx100cm. If you are inter­esst­ed I am hap­py to get in touch! Sin­cere­ly your, Janine

Jaceur The Eye Series

The Jaceur Eye Series was designed in 2007 is inspired by the book “The Lit­tle Prince” and shows an eye that has cracks, because in the fin­gu­ra­tive sense we only see well with the heart. Since 2007 it devel­oped and got dif­fer­ent mean­ings over time. It s avail­able in 30cmx30cmx4,5cm until 120cmx120cmx4,5cm. If you are … 

Jaceur Artworkshops

“It was very nice and a lot of fun. Thank you!” (Tobi) “Thank you, it was real­ly nice!” (Maja) “It was very nice, high­ly rec­om­mend­ed!” (Annie) “Thank you very much for the great evening, it was a lot of fun!”(Sophia) Would you like to paint an acrylic paint­ing your­self under pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance? Then come to … 

Jaceur @ Bietigheim-Bissingen

Vis­it me at Ochsen­bach­er Weg 16 in 74321 Bietigheim-Biss­in­­gen and I would be hap­py to show you a selec­tion of my orig­i­nal Jaceur art­works. To make an appoint­ment, sim­ply write me an email.  I am look­ing for­ward to your vis­it! Sin­cere­ly yours, Janine Weller

Jaceur @ Beilstein

In my gallery in Hein­rich-Heine Strasse 3 in 71717 Beil­stein I would like to show and explain a selec­tion of my orig­i­nal Jaceur art­works to you. To make an appoint­ment, sim­ply write me an email. I am look­ing for­ward to your vis­it! Sin­cer­ly yours, Janine Weller