Abstract arts: Sales & workshops

Con­tem­po­rary, aes­thet­ic, abstract art for your home, office, med­ical prac­tice or law firm made in Ger­many by Janine Weller.

The Happiness series: Be a magnet of happiness!

The eye series: Follow your heart!

The Daydream series: Live your dreams!

The larger than life series: Be Love.

The habits series: Let only the good habits grow

Workshop example paintings, 30cmx40cm, spatula technique on canvas


Some well-known pri­vate art col­lec­tors have already includ­ed a Jaceur work of art in their col­lec­tion. In addi­tion, some com­mer­cial cus­tomers, such as the Schock beau­ty in Oppen­weil­er (exter­nal link) or the den­tal prac­tice in Korn­wes­t­heim (exter­nal link), exhib­it Jaceur works of art on their premises.


Reg­u­lar­ly I exhib­it my art­works at exhi­bi­tions and trade fairs. You can find the list of par­tic­i­pa­tions here. Cur­rent dates can be found in the blog area. I look for­ward to your visit!

Home Galerie:

In my home gallery in Bietigheim-Bissin­gen you can view and buy Jaceur art­works. Just give me a call +49 (0)1525 4173385 or write an email. I am look­ing for­ward to the contact!

Jaceur Catalogue: Stations Of Life in Pictures