Here I present a selec­tion of my art­works in chrono­log­i­cal order. All art­works are indi­vid­ual pieces — sub­ject to pri­or sale. Enjoy browsing!

“The eye of wis­dom”, 120cmx120cmx4,5cm, acrylics, spray and tex­ture on can­vas, 07/2024

“The eye of wis­dom”, 100cmx100cmx4,5cm, acrylics, spray, tex­ture and imi­ta­tion leaf gold on can­vas, 07/2024

“Hap­pi­ness”, 120cmx100cmx4,5cm, acrylics on can­vas, 07/2024


“Hap­pi­ness”, 180cmx100cmx4,5cm, acrylics on can­vas, 07/2024


“Beneath your beau­ti­ful”, 40cmx50cmx4,5cm, acrylics and 1000/1000 pure sil­ver leafs on can­vas, 06/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cmx4,5cm, spray and tex­ture, brown-black-pure cop­per leafs, 06/2024


“Beneath your beau­ti­ful”, green-taupe, 50cmx70cmx1,7cm, 24kt pure gold leafs, 06/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-gold, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and 24kt pure gold leafs on can­vas, 07/2023

not avail­able

“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-gold, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and 24kt pure gold leafs on can­vas, 01/2024

not avail­able

“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-gold, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and 24kt pure gold leafs on can­vas, 01/2024

not avail­able

“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-sil­ver, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and pure pal­la­di­um leafs on can­vas, 06/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-sil­ver, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and pure pal­la­di­um leafs on can­vas, 01/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-sil­ver, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and pure pal­la­di­um leafs on can­vas, 06/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-cop­per, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and pure cop­per leafs on can­vas, 06/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-cop­per, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and pure cop­per leafs on can­vas, 06/2024#


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-cop­per, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and pure cop­per leafs on can­vas, 06/2024


“Bro­ken hearts every­where: Choose love”, with 24kt pure gold leafs, 30cmx30cm, 05/2024

“Bro­ken hearts every­where: Choose love”, with 24kt pure gold leafs, 30cmx30cm, 05/2024

not avail­able

“Bro­ken hearts every­where: Choose love”, with 24kt pure gold leafs, 30x30cm, 05/2024

not avail­able

“Hap­pi­ness”, 40cmx50cm, 05/2024

not avail­able

“Hap­pi­ness”, 100cmx120cm, 05/2024


“Hap­pi­ness”, 40cmx50cm, 05/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, black-sil­ver, spray, tex­ture and 1000/1000 pure sil­ver leafs, 04/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, grey-sil­ver, spray, tex­ture and 1000/1000 pure sil­ver leafs, 04/2024

not avail­able

“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, white-sil­ver, spray, tex­ture and 1000/1000 pure sil­ver leafs, 04/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, dif­fer­ent col­ors, spray, tex­ture and glit­ter, 04/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, dif­fer­ent col­ors, spray, tex­ture and glit­ter, 04/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, dif­fer­ent col­ors, spray, tex­ture and glit­ter, 04/2024

not avail­able

“Hap­pi­ness”, 120cmx60cm, acrylics on can­vas, 03/2024

Item on loan of the city Heilbronn

“Hap­pi­ness”, 30cmx40cm, acrylics on can­vas, 03/2024


“Break­ing peace: What world do we want to live in?”, 30cmx30cm, 01/2024

not avail­able

“Break­ing peace: What world do we want to live in?”, 30cmx30cm, 01/2024

not avail­able

“Hap­pi­ness”, 120cmx100cm, acrylics on can­vas, 03/2024


“Das Auge”, 100cmx100cm, Acryl, Spray und Tex­tur auf Lein­wand, 02/2024

not avail­able

“Hap­pi­ness”, 60cmx80cm, acrylics on can­vas, 02/2024


“Hap­pi­ness”, 80cmx100cm, acrylics on can­vas, 02/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, spray and tex­ture and holo­gr­phic struc­ture on can­vas, 01/2024


“The eye”, 100cmx100cm, acrylics, spray and tex­ture on can­vas, 01/2024

“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 12/2023

not avail­able

“Hap­pi­ness”, 80cmx100cm, acrylics on can­vas, 01/2024

not avail­able

“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, pastell­green-dark­green, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 01/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, pastel­lvi­o­let-vio­let, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 01/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, pastellred-red, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 01/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, pastel­lor­ange-orange, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 01/2024


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, pastel­lyel­low-yel­low, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 01/2024


“Col­ors of joy”, 80cmx100cm, acrylics on can­vas, 11/2023

not avail­able

“Snowy autumn”, 80cmx100cm, acrylics on can­vas, 11/2023


“The eye”, 30cmx30cm, acrylics and spray with tex­ture on can­vas, 12/2023

“The col­ors of Las Vegas”, 60cmx120cm, acrylics on can­vas, 10/2023

not avail­able

“Dream BIG”, 40cmx50cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Col­ors of life”, 40cmx50cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Won­der­ful life”, 40cmx50cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023


“Do it now!”, 50cmx70cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023


“Enjoy every moment”, 30cmx40cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Trust the process”, 50cmx70cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Good vibes only”, 40cmx50cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Savoir vivre”, 60cmx120cm, acrylics on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“The eye gold black”, 100cmx100cm, acrylics black with struc­ture paste and spray paint gold on wood­en body, 2023

not avail­able

“Danc­ing queen”, 120cmx100cm, acrylics on gold-glit­ter can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“The lady in red”, 120cmx100cm, acrylics on raw can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Masked ball”, 100cmx80cm, acrylics on sil­ver-glit­ter raw can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Day­dream”, 100cmx80cm, acrylics on raw can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Jun­gle”, 120cmx100cm, acrylics on raw can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Wings to fly”, 100cmx80cm, acrylics with sand on can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Day­dream”, 100cmx80cm, acrylics with sand on raw can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Day­dream”, 120cmx100cm, acrylics with sand on raw can­vas, 2023

not avail­able

“Day­dream”, Jaceur & Diet­mar Wölfl, 120cmx100cm, acrylics with sand on can­vas, 2021

not avail­able

“Day­dream”, Jaceur & Diet­mar Wölfl, 200cmx80cm, acrylics with sand on can­vas, 2021

not avail­able

“The eye”, 100cmx100cm, white, 2022

not avail­able

“The eye”, 100cmx100cm, acrylics black with spray paint gold, 2022


“The eye”, 100cmx100cm, acrylics black with spray paint sil­ver, 2022


“The eye”, 100cmx100cm, acrylics dark blue with spray paint neon pink, 2022


“Rain­bow”, 180cmx60cm, acrylics on crum­pled can­vas, 2022


“Pastell” 200cmx80cm, acrylics on crum­pled can­vas, 2022

not avail­able

“Acht­samkeit”, 4x120cmx40cm, acrylics on crum­pled can­vas, 2022


“black-white”, 50cmx100cm, acrylics on crum­pled can­vas, 2022


“New chap­ter”, 80cmx100cm, can­vas on can­vas white, 2022


“New chap­ter”, 60cmx90cm, can­vas on can­vas turquoise, 2022


“All new”, 80cmx100cm, can­vas on can­vas vio­let, 2022


“New­born”, 60cmx90cm, can­vas on can­vas yel­low, 2022


“All new”, can­vas on can­vas white, 30cmx30cm

not avail­able

“Habits”, 70cmx100cm, acrylics on screen­board, 2020


“Habits”, 50cmx70cm, acrylics white on screen­board, 2020


“Death of grand­ma Ger­di”, 50cmx70cm, acrylics white and yel­low on screen­board, 2021

not avail­able

“Viadukt in autum”, 100cmx80cm, acrylics with hand punched holes and gold paper from the paper fac­to­ry Gmund am Tegernsee, 2019


“Viadukt in win­ter”, 100cmx80cm, acrylics with hand punched holes and gold paper, 2019

not avail­able

“Viadukt in sum­mer”, 60cmx60cm, acrylics with hand punched holes and gold paper from the paper fac­to­ry Gmund am Tegernsee, 2019


“Viadukt at sun­set”, 50cmx100cm, acrylics with hand punched holes and gold paper from the paper fac­to­ry Gmund am Tegernsee, 2019


“Dots”, 100cmx80cm, acrylic with hand punched holes with black card­stock, 2019

not avail­able

“Rain­bow”, 50cmx100cm, acrylic with hand punched holes and rain­bow­col­ored card­stock, 2019


“The death of grand­ma Mar­ile”, 120cmx100cm, acrylic with hand punched holes and white card­stock, 2019

not avail­able

“Aware­ness”, 120cmx100cm, acrylic with hand punched holes and gold col­ored can­vas in the back, 2019


“Fan­ta­syflower”, 100cmx100cm, acrylic on can­vas, 2016


“Out­burst of anger with shad­ow child”, 60cmx90cm, 2008

not avail­able

“Some­where over the rain­bow”, 120cmx100cm, acrylic on can­vas, 2008


If you are look­ing for con­tem­po­rary arts for your home, office, med­ical prac­tice or law firm, feel free to con­tact me. I also advise you on the right selec­tion of images to suit your rooms.

Exam­ple of prac­tices equipped with Jaceur: