
Wel­come on jaceur.de!

I would like to take you with me on my jour­ney to hap­pi­ness! Because I have gained valu­able insights through many ups and downs and thus found my per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al hap­pi­ness! My pic­tures doc­u­ment and tell this jour­ney that I would like to share with you. Because hap­pi­ness increas­es when you share it!

It all start­ed in 2006 when I stud­ied Mar­ket­ing & Man­age­ment and dealt with soci­ol­o­gy, psy­chol­o­gy, phi­los­o­phy and trav­eled, until I real­ized that they only pro­vide lim­it­ed answers to life’s ques­tions. That’s why I’ve been try­ing to pen­e­trate life artis­ti­cal­ly since 2007, because all my art­works deal with the way of liv­ing. I real­ized: “Art expands the pos­si­bil­i­ties of expres­sion and breaks the bound­aries of lan­guage!“
So I have been paint­ing on can­vas­es, wood­en bod­ies and screen card­board since 2007. With Jaceur I have found my life’s work. My heart gov­erns my actions. The change­abil­i­ty of my art is an expres­sion of inner emo­tion. Some write a diary, I paint pictures.

My art does­n’t just dec­o­rate a wall, it cre­ates a spe­cial spa­tial expe­ri­ence that has an inward effect and wants to con­tribute to self-knowl­edge. I use col­or as a means that has a direct influ­ence on the soul. Because my art is not self-suf­fi­cient, it has a social func­tion. That’s why I also enjoy giv­ing art work­shops with great plea­sure. Would you like to cre­ate a work of art your­self under my guid­ance? Then come to one of my art work­shops (inter­nal link)! I look for­ward to see­ing you!

Well-known art col­lec­tors already have a Jaceur art­work in their col­lec­tion. I present a small selec­tion of my work to you on this home­page. I also car­ry out com­mis­sioned work. Go on a jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and browse through the Jaceur web­site! Maybe an orig­i­nal Jaceur art­work will soon enrich your collection!

If you are in the Län­dle, I will be hap­py to show you the Jaceur art­works in my gallery in 74321 Bietigheim-Bissin­gen (Met­terz­im­mern). Just call and make an appoint­ment with me. I look for­ward to hear­ing from you!

Yours, Janine Weller